Home / Secretary's Desk / Minutes of Regular Meeting – 28 April 2012

Minutes of Regular Meeting – 28 April 2012


  1. DATE: 28 April 2012
  3. ATTENDANCE: Twenty-seven persons attended, of which 17 were association members, and 9 were spouses and guests.

a. General: Meeting convened at 0900 and everyone was welcomed into fellowship. Invocation offered by Jack McMasters.
b. Announcements:

  • Killed in Action:
    • TSgt Matthew S. Schwartz, 90 CES/CED, FE Warren AFB, WY, IED Explosion while conducting mounted route clearance patrol in Helmund Province, Afghanistan.
    • SrA Bryan R. Bell, 2 CES/CED, Barksdale AFB, LA, IED Explosion while conducting mounted route clearance patrol in Helmund Province, Afghanistan.
    • A1C Matthew R. Seidler, 21 CES/CED, Peterson AFB, CO, IED Explosion while conducting mounted route clearance patrol in Helmund Province, Afghanistan.
  • Wound in Action:
    • None
  • Final Shots:
    • Raymond Holley, R-442, 2 Nov. 2011, lung cancer.
    • Henry Harris, LC-004, 15 Dec. 2011, natural causes.
  • Association Members/Spouses/ AF EOD non-Members in Distress:
    • Marshall “Doc” Dutton, LC-003, recovering from second stroke on Christmas Day.
    • Don Lacy, LR-460, in Destin Health Care, Room 231, would love to have visitors.
    • Mickey Bonds, spouse of Stan Bonds, LC-269, difficulty recovering from abdominal surgery.
    • Bill Koch, C-014, Gall bladder surgery
  • General:
    • 2012 3rd Creek EOD Gathering (details attached).
    • 2012 EOD Memorial Ceremony and Ball: 5 May 2012. (Dan Thompkins) This year we may be sponsoring as many as four wounded warriors, depending on their circumstances. Tickets go on sale 10 Feb on the EOD Memorial web site. Dan also mentioned there is discussion about combining the EOD Memorial Foundation with the Wounded EOD Warriors. They are seeking inputs/thoughts.

c. Old Business:
(1) Minutes of the 29 October 2011 EOD MasterBlasters Regular Meetings. Minutes were read and discussed. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the minutes as read. (CLOSED)

(2) Treasurer’s Report (as of 31 Dec. 2011): The following treasurer’s report was presented and read into the record. Following the reading of the treasurer’s report a motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the report as presented. (CLOSED)

(3) Membership Status Report: (as of 31 Dec. 2011): Active Membership Totals: Lifetime: 305; Associate: 18; Charter: 96; Regular: 475; Surviving Spouse: 122; Corporate: 6; for a total of 1022 members. (CLOSED) (4) Committee Reports:

  • 2011 Reunion Planning Report: Gary Johnson reported all went very well. A few small suggestions that come up yearly, like moving the Reunion to a new location (Las Vegas), when they understand the logistics and the planning they have a greater understanding. Otherwise another successful Reunion! Job well done by everyone! Start planning for 2012 Reunion, it will be the 20th! (CLOSED)
  • 2011 Reunion Income/Expense Report: Attached
  • Possible EODMBI By-Law Changes: Tabled until April Breakfast Meeting. Awards Committee consisting of; George Hughes, Lee Bobbit, Jack McMasters, Irv Duvall, and Jeff Schley have an opportunity to review and report back to the Officers on how these changes may impact to the MBI.

d. New Business:

  • Officer Elections. Roger Hollen, Election Committee Chairman shared the discussions the election committee (George Hughes, Lee Bobbitt, Mac McNalley) had on Doc Sr returning to the secretary/treasurer position and my ability to perform what is basically a fulltime job. The committee came to the resolution the secretary and treasurer position should be split to cut down on the workload. I further recommended the Hell Box Times and MBI Web Master duties should be divided, as well. To that end, Roger made the following motion: Roger Wills continue as the President for his final year, Gary Johnson step down as Vice President and become the organization secretary, Irv DuVall volunteered for the Vice President position, and Jack McMasters volunteered to become the Treasurer. Roger also proposed Jeff Schley be the Hell Box Times editor and Doc Dutton be the MBI Web Master. There being no opposition, the motion was seconded and carried.
  • Yard Sale. Gary shared the yard sale would be scheduled for a Saturday in Feb and the proceeds would support the MBI General Fund. NOTE: The Yard Sale has been postponed until 31 March to allow members more time to collect items. In other words, clean out their attics.
  • Dan Bull Memorial Heroes Fund Donation Presentation. Rob and Beth Brooking graciously presented a check for $1233.00 to the Dan Bull Memorial Heroes Fund from the marathon Beth ran. Thank you very much, Beth!

e. Open Discussions:
(1) Jack McMasters shared that MSgt Rob Brooking will be retiring in Nov and we look forward to having him available for the future of the MasterBlasters. Thank you for your many years of sacrifice and honor to our nation. Now get ready for some real work!

(2) CMSgt Brewster, the EOD Career field Functional Manager, shared the experiences he and CMSgt Jerry Shelton, USAFCENT Command EOD Manager, from their trip to honor our three latest fallen EOD Warriors at their funerals. The families are handling their losses well and are very strong. Chief Brewster shared that A1C Seidler’s family has chosen to have Matt memorialized on the EOD Memorial this year. The other two will be honored next May. He asked that we keep the families in our thoughts and prayers. Chief Brewster also shared where he is leading our training managers to capture the lessons learned from the past 10 years about the counter-IED threat. He also explained the 7-Level course will move to Sheppard AFB, TX in about a year.

f. “Half & Half” Raffle. Raffle total came to $82.00 of which Irv DuVall who graciously donated his winnings back to the association won $41.00.

g. Adjournment Activities:
(1) Location/Time of Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for 28 Apr., at 0900, HQ EODMBI, Niceville, FL.

(2) Motion to Adjourn: A motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 1005.

Respectfully submitted:

Marshall B. Dutton

NOTE: At the end of the meeting, Jack made a stern request that we RSVP as a matter of courtesy to the cooks for planning purposes. We’d hate to run short and it’s not cost effective to over prepare. PLEASE RSVP! The Managemen

4th Qtr/2011 (EOY) Treasury Report (as of 31 Dec. 2011)

Checking Account

Beginning Bal: 30 Jan. 2011 $5,491.89
Deposits +$328,068.63
Sub-Total $333,560.52
Expenses -$320828.30
Checking Record $12,732.22
Bank Bal: 31 Dec. 2011 $12,732.22

Check Account Cash Balance (2011 4th Qtr)

Total Income: (2011) $333,560.52
Total Expenses (2011) -$320,828.30
Bank Bal: 31 Dec. 2011 $12,732.22

4th Qtr/2011 Investments & Assets Summary

1. Compass Bank BEF MMF:
Beginning Bal: $23,639.67
Deposits: $2,067.81
Interest Year to Date: +68.94
Compass Bank BEF MMF Total: $25,776.42
Withdrawal: Bldg Insur/Loan Prmt: -$3,062.00
BEF MMF Total: $22,714.42
Bank Statement Bal: $22,714.42
2. Compass Bank G/S MMF:
Rainy Day Fund: $3,624.05
BOC Fund: $8,065.00
H&H Fund: $2,572.00
Adv. Paid Dues: $12,735.99
Reunion Fee Funds: $1,647.83
MBI Patch Sales $1,567.00
MBI Coin Sales $536.00
Interest Year to Date: $196.07
Loan to Checking for Reunion $5000.00
G/S MMF Total: $25,943.94
Bank Statement Bal: $25,943.94
3. Vanguard Accounts (a/o 31 Dec. 2011):
a. MBI (LTM) Bond Funds Balance: $54,079.11
b. Dan Bull Memorial Heroes Fund: $53,869.56
Vanguard Accounts Total: $107,948.67
Charles Schwab, Inc $150,013.37
Investments Total $257,926.04

EODMBI Property Assets

Niceville Property: $60,000.00
Construction Cash Value Investment: +$176,869.90
Property Value: $236,869.90
Mortgage Bal.: -$0.00
Total Property Value: $236,869.90
Checking Acct Bal: $12,732.22
MBI Net Worth (a/o 31 Dec. 2011): $507,564.12

2012 3rd Creek EOD Gathering

WHEN: 8, 9, & 10 June WHERE: 3rd Creek, near Malad, Idaho RSVP by 1 May DETAILS:

There will be a dinner on Friday and Saturday.

There is plenty of room for RV parking: Three acres, with water and some electric. No dumping. No charge.

There is a motel in Malad 10 miles away. Motel address is: 50 South 300 East, Malad, ID. Phone: (208) 766-4761.

If you wish to attend any or all of the weekend please contact either of the following:

Don Shaw: e-mail: donandlizshaw@aol.com or phone: (208) 766-2359, or; Paul Caldwell: e-mail: pauleod@comcast.net or phone cell number: (801) 710-6938. Mailing address: 3624 North 2775 East, Layton, UT, 84040-8413.

Bring pictures and your best war stories.

Also, please donate an item for the auction on Saturday. Auction proceeds help fund the next year’s gathering.

Directions to the gathering from Malad, ID: Take I-15 to exit 17, north of Malad, ID, 6 miles east on Idaho 36 to 300 North, then turn left and proceed 1/2 mile to 5800 East. You are there. Watch for signs. You’ll know’em when you see’em.

If you know any EOD’ers who didn’t get an invite, please pass this info along, and have them get in touch with us.

Further, please give us your tee shirt size so we can get you properly “outfitted” on Saturday.

Lastly, please let us know if you are bringing a RV.

Added Note: If you need transportation support from Salt Lake City International Airport to Malad, ID., please call:

Joann’s Shuttle Service (208) 251-3090

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