Home / Secretary's Desk / Minutes of Regular Meeting – 17 July 2010

Minutes of Regular Meeting – 17 July 2010


  1. DATE: 17 July 2010
  2. PLACE: MBI HQ, 716 Crestview Ave., Niceville, Fla.
  3. ATTENDANCE: Thirty persons attended, of which 20 were association members, and 10 were spouses and guests.

a. General: Meeting convened at 0930, and everyone was welcomed into fellowship.
b. Announcements:

  • Killed in Action:
    • Darel L. McCombie, LCDE-147, 24 Apr. 2010, lung infection.
    • Frederick G. “Phil” Philcox, RDE-784, 1 May 2010, multiple health problems.
    • LeRoy P. Meredith, ADE-039, 17 Feb. 2009, cause unknown.
    • Italo “Rocky” G. Silveri, non-member, 28 Jun. 2010, cause unknown.
    • Carol Ann Caldwell, spouse of Paul Caldwell, LC-217, 6 Jul. 2010, following a brief but valiant fight against cancer compounded by a stroke.
  • General:
    • No general announcements.

c. Old Business:
(1) Minutes of the 16 Jan. 2010 Regular Meeting. Minutes for this meeting were unavailable to the meeting attendees because the secretary was recovering from surgery. The minutes will be presented for review and approval at the 16 Oct. 2010 meeting.(OPEN)

(2) Treasurer’s Report: (as of 30 Jun. 2010): The following 2nd Qtr treasurer’s report was unavailable for the reason stated above. It is included with these minutes but will be presented, reviewed and approved during the 16 Oct. 2010 meeting:

Checking Account

Beginning Bal: 1 Apr. 2010 $3,575.48
Deposits +$18,508.96
Sub-Total $22,084.44
Expenses -$17,732.45
Sub-Total $4,351.99
Check Bal: 30 Jun. 2010 $4,351.99

Check Account Cash Balance (2010 1st Qtr)

Total Income: (2010) $66,699.14
Total Expenses (2010) -$62,347.15
Cash Bal: 30 Jun. 2010 $4,351.99

2nd Qtr/2010 Investments & Assets Summary

1. Compass Bank BEF MMF:
Beginning Bal: 1 Apr. 2010 $19,120.83
Deposits: $3,627.50
Interest Year to Date: +8.47
Compass Bank BEF MMF Total: $22,756.80
Withdrawal: Bldg Insur/Loan Prmt: -$4,516.96
BEF MMF Total: $18,239.84
Bank Statement Bal: $18,239.84
2. Compass Bank G/S MMF:
Rainy Day Fund: $4,897.20
BOC Fund: $8,960.00
H&H Fund: $1,912.00
Adv. Paid Dues: $14,320.97
Reunion Fee Funds: $5,461.35
MBI Patch Sales $1,330.00
MBI Coin Sales $340.00
Interest Year to Date: $54.24
G/S MMF Total: $37,275.76
Bank Statement Bal: $37,275.76
3. Vanguard Accounts (a/o 30 Jun. 2010):
a. MBI (LTM) Bond Funds Balance: $11,984.11
b. Dan Bull Memorial Heroes Fund: $24,404.68
Vanguard Accounts Total: $36,388.79**
Investments Total $91,904.39

EODMBI Property Assets

EODMBI Property Assets Niceville Property: $60,000.00
Construction Cash Value Investment: +$174,481.00
Property Value: $234,481.00
Mortgage Bal.: -$61,017.54
Total Property Value: $173,464.46
Checking Acct Bal: $4,351.99
MBI Net Worth (a/o 30 Jun. 2010): $269,720.84

Following the reading of the treasurer’s report during the 16 Oct. 2010 meeting a motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the report as presented. (CLOSED)

(3) Membership Status Report: (as of 31 Jul. 2010). Membership numbers were unavailable due to the absence of the secretary. (CLOSED)

(4) Committee Reports:
(a) Outreach Committee: During the period 1 Apr. – 31 Jul. 2010, the association expended $3,351.62, for charitable donations in memory of fallen members, families of Air Force EOD KIA, support for wounded warriors, and numerous flower and plant arrangements and cards that were sent as support to members and member spouses who found themselves in distress during this period. (CLOSED)

(b) 2010 Reunion Report: No new information this period. (CONTINUING) (c) Association Building Committee Report: No new information this period. (CONTINUING)

d. New Business: No new business discussions were conducted.

e. Open Discussions:
(1) Roger Hollen raised the subject of problems the association is experiencing receiving information regarding memorial bricks ordered from the EOD Memorial Foundation by the association or its members. This situation included the fact that three checks written by the association to the EODMF have not cleared the association’s checking account. Dan Tompkins, who sits as a board member of the EODMF, said he would take up this situaiton with Mr. Jim O’Neil, Executive Director of the EODMF for resolution. (OPEN)

(2) CMSgt Hodges presented the association with pictures that represent and emphasize the people of EOD and not the equipment or job. The pictures will be framed and displayed in the association’s new building. Additionally, Chief Hodges briefed the group regarding the Air Force’s efforts to provide for personnel returning from the combat zone to have some time to decompress at Ramstein before returning stateside. The program is being well received by these reutning EOD troops.

(3) It was noted by everyone that they enjoyed meeting at the new MBI headquarters facility, and that perhaps a “pot luck” dinner at future date would be desireable. Roger Hollen volunteered to serve as POC for this initiative and would be in contact with the local membership at a later date. (OPEN) f. “Half & Half” Raffle. Raffle total came to $86.00, of which $43.00 was won by RG Kuhn who graciously donated $20.00 of his share of the winnings back to the BEF.

h. Adjournment Activities:
(1) Location/Time of Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled for 16 Oct. 2010, 0900, at the new MBI HQ building, 716 Crestview Ave., Niceville, Fla.

(2) Motion to Adjourn: A motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 1100.

Respectfully submitted:

Marshall B. Dutton

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